
  • 市面唯一達到學員滿意度100%。不滿意保證全額退費。
  • 網路不斷的進步,我們也不斷提供新技術課程複習會。
  • 不斷開辦複習會,傳授新技術,讓你不會也難。
  • 提供最新技術複習會&錄影檔,不斷自我複習。
  • 學員中,很多都跑遍市面上所有網路行銷課程,最後都選擇這裡。
  • 經常舉辦網路線上複習會,只要有網路,住在深山也不怕學習進度落後。
  • 學員社團中,發現很多知名網路行銷高手藏身其中,原來他們也是學員。
  • 學員社團中,高手學員分享的技術討論,更是精彩。
  • 不斷研發新產品、新技術、新策略。讓學員一起成長賺錢!
  • 無私的技術分享,大師級的行銷秘密大公開。
  • 最完整全面的網路行銷&賺錢技巧。
  • 不滿意全額退費,讓你完全沒風險。
  • 如何用3小時打造一台你的網路印鈔機,建立一個高轉換率的網站?
  • 如何尋找和複製最賺錢的產品和相對應的精美行銷網頁。
  • 如何確定有市場需求的產品!
  • 台灣網賺高手不用工作,在家賺錢的操作手法!

2022年10月18日 星期二

pharma Request

Hello Dear,

My name is Dr. Philippa Clarke, I'm a Research Assistant of the Research and Development Department working with one of the leading Bio Pharmaceutical companies in England ( Neorex Biomedical Pharma ). I'm looking for a reliable business/individual to represent my company in sourcing some of our basic raw material used in the manufacturing of high quality Anti-Viral Vaccines, Cancer treatment and other lifesaving Pharmaceutical Products. This may not be your specialization but it will be another income generating business out of your specialty.

This is because our company is yet to locate any seller to buy  this raw material from after we lost our previous supplier earlier this year. However, I have been able to discover a local dealer who can supply us with this product. He is selling at a cheap rate, which is far cheaper than our previous purchases. I want you to stand in as a new local dealer from your country and I will introduce you to our company. We can buy this herbal oil extract very cheaply from the manufacturer and sell to the company at our own fixed price.

I will give you more specific profit details when I receive feedback from you if you are interested.


Philippa Clarke,
Research Assistant
Neorex Biomedical Pharma

